Zhengzhou,OnlineConference丨Dec. 22, 2022
All accepted abstracts for the 3rd International Conference on Public Health and Hygiene (ICPHH 2022) will be published in the Conference Abstract Book.
Please note that all supporting journals are subjecting submissions to the double- blind peer- review process. The decision on publication will depend on the peer- review process. Participants are advised to read the journal’s scopes and aims before deciding the suitable journal. We follow universally accepted ethics on publication. Accordingly, a guarantee for publication will not be issued before making the submission and completion of the review process.
The topics include but are not limited to:
To submit abstract or article, please send it as a single MS Word file to icphhconference@163.com or click here to submit.
1. You must submit an article in WORD format with a normal scientific writing structure.
2. The abstract/article must be written in English and are original, unpublished works having not ever been submitted for publication elsewhere.
3. Payment of paper registration fee is the necessary condition of paper publication.
Please keep these important dates in mind:
If you have any further questions on ICPHH 2022 or abstract/paper submission or publication, please feel free to contact at
E- mail: icphhconference@163.com Tel: +86-19139855788 (Mrs.Wang)